All SEO On Page Activities with Description and Off Page Activities

SEO On Page Activities

  1. Base redirection for the home page
    Ask project programming team to redirect non www. Version of the site onto www.version of the site. Also /home, /index, /new or any other version of home page link should also be 301 redirected on home page using HTACCESS.
  2. Clean URLs
    No strings like “?”, Apply rewrite rules for dynamic URLs. Send recommendations to developers via Team lead.
  3. Website Analysis
    Understand overall business and purpose of website i.e. lead generation, traffic or e-commerce.
  4. Keyword Analysis
    Find high search volume and relevant keywords to get more traffic. Build keyword sheet accordingly.
  5. Competitor Website Analysis
    To know Trust factors, SEO techniques and strategy used by competition.
  6. Keyword in URL/Descriptive URLs (primary keyword in URL)
    Each web-page must contain relevant high search volume keyword in URL, if not available add to the On Page summary document and send to developers. Try to use exact and variations of keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing) to be targeted on site (and for blog post too).
  7. Keyword in Title Tag
    Use relevant and high search volume keywords in Title. Please send suggestions as per meta tag suggestion template.
  8. Keyword in Description Meta Tag
    Use a mix of keywords and benefits to showcase target page. Please send suggestions as per meta tag suggestion template.
  9. Keyword in H1, H2 and H3
    Primary keyword in H1, Secondary in H2, Long tail in H3. Please send suggestions as per Meta tag suggestion template.
  10. Keyword Density in Body Text
    2% keyword density means target keyword should be repeated only 2 times in content of 100 words. Send content recommendation if not in a place. Please send suggestions as per meta tag suggestion template.
  11. Content Optimization
    Important pages should be 300 words long, check grammar and link important pages from content. Send content recommendation if not in a place. Please send suggestions as per meta tag suggestion template.
  12. Anchor Text
    Use anchor text for internal linking in optimized page content.
  13. Keyword in Alt Text
    Use alt text to describe the image, alt text should be only a few words. Please send suggestions as per meta tag suggestion template. Send recommendations to designers via Team lead.
  14. Screaming Frog
    All the projects should undergo a Screaming Frog test immediately after the deployment of the tags.
  15. Often websites may be blocked from Google
    Remove this block once all the meta tags have been updated.
  16. Copyright Optimization
    In footer use copyright statement to include site keyword, email to developers when you want to change. E.g. Copyrights reserved Old Debts, Inc instead of Copyrights – This way you get the “Old Debts” keyword.
  17. Internal Linking Structure
    Important pages should be accessible from any page of website, Send recommendations to developers via Team lead. If the top navigation is fixed try putting footer links.
  18. Canonical Tag recommendations for duplicate page
    Use canonical tag on duplicate pages. Send recommendations to developers.
  19. Pagenomicular/Pagination
    Use pagination tag for article or product listing pages using “prev” & “next” or “1”, “2”, etc. Send recommendations to developers.
  20. Sitemap.xml for Google & Bing (same can be used for both)
    Generate sitemap.xml file with right priorities, change frequency and last modified attributes. Send sitemap.xml file to developers for uploading it on root. Use or download GSiteCrawler, For large sites ask developers via Team lead.
  21. Robots.txt for Google & Bing (same can be used for both)
    Block pages you don?t want Search Engine Robots to index. Add sitemap.xml location. Send txt file to developers for uploading it on root.
  22. Custom 404
    Provide customized message with Search box for pages no longer available on server. Send recommendations to developers.
  23. Blog Setup
    Setup wordpress blog on site and post on regular basis to build links for important keywords. Ask wordpress expert to setup a blog.
  24. Pagespeed Optimization
    Page should be loaded within seconds not in minutes! Send recommendations to designers and developers. Check the website speed using Google developer tool- Pagespeed Insights.
  25. Breadcrumb Navigation
    Set hierarchy for pages, Recommend designer to add it. Send recommendations to developers. Also include google tags for breadcrumbs.
  26. Redirection 301/302
    Redirect old pages whose URL is changed to preserve link juice. Send recommendations to developers.
  27. Webmaster Tools Setup (Google, Bing and Yahoo)
    To submit sitemap.xml to Google Bing and Yahoo webmaster tools and analyze crawler activity. Send recommendations to Team lead.
  28. Geographic Target, Preferred Domain in Webmaster Tools
    To target right geographical audience, setting www or http://www & crawl rate setup. Send recommendations to Team lead.
  29. Google Analytics setup
    Sign-up with Google Analytics and install GA code before </head> tag. Ask Team lead to generate code and send it to developers.
  30. Goal setup/Event setup/Funnel setup
    The engineer will be setting the goals and they would be testing it themselves.
  31. Check Indexed Pages weekly
    Use to see what is not indexed. Send recommendations to developers.
  32. Check Google?s cache for key pages
    To see how text-only version works for you. Send recommendations to Team lead.
  33. SMO Widget Setup
    Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc social sharing icons with relative profile URLs. Send recommendations to designers.
  34. Social profiles’ data in Rich snippets.
    Google will be showing the website’s social media profiles in search results, so it is necessary update the website’s social profile data in the rich snippet code.
  35. Landing Page Optimization
    Provide important information in first half of your page, Show trust icons, reviews, etc. Send recommendations to Team lead.
  36. Bounce Rate Optimization
    Provide useful information and videos to reduce bounce rate. Send recommendations to Team lead.
  37. – Tags on the contact us page – In addition to Google rich tags
    Implement Google Rich tag for organization so that details can show up in SERPs. Send recommendations to developers.
  38. – Tags on the product page – In addition to Google rich tags
    Implement Google Rich tag for products so that details can show up in SERPs. Send recommendations to developers.
  39. – An event happening at a certain time and location, such as a concert, lecture, or festival.
    Implement Google Rich tag for events so that details can show up in SERPs. Send recommendations to developers.
  40. – Tags on inner pages in addition to breadcrumb navigation
    Implement Google Rich tag for Breadcrumb navigation so that details can show up in SERPs. Send recommendations to developers.
  41. Create a filter in analytics so it skips all Indian traffic
    Use advance segments to remove Indian traffic, if you are unsure how to do this ask your Team Lead.
  42. Add rel=alternate tag for Multilingual website
    Add rel=alternate tag on language pages for multilingual website. Send recommendations to developers.
  43. Enable tracking of search in Google analytics if the site has a search
    Define search variable in the profile settings of analytics account.
  44. Google Data Highlighter
    Highlight data using the Google data highlighter tool in webmaster tools.
  45. Webmaster tools should show no error
    Simply check for duplicate tags, 404, 500 etc and ensure all the errors are resolved.
  46. Periodically test tags to ensure they are proper
    All rich tags, author tags and organization tags are to be tested using the google rich tag testing tool. Errors found should be reported immediately to developers.
  47. Send blog recommendations and promotion once in 2 weeks
  48. Disavow old bad links if you find any on webmaster tools
    Email your manager when you think this needs to be done.
  49. Remove URL or unwanted URL
    If a page is completely removed from website then submit removal request in GWT and accordingly update site-map.html and sitemap.xml and re-submit sitemap.xml.
  50. Sitemap.html or Site-map.html
    Site map for visitors should be there on all pages of a website and should list every live page / section of the website. If new page are added or removed then accordingly site map should be updated. WordPress plugins can often do this automatically.
  51. Video Setup
    Videos help in promotion, branding and gathering more customer base.
  52. Funnel Setup
    For Ecommerce website setup funnel on Thank You page Goal URL to see visitor flow and abandonment goal path. Ask Team lead to help.
    Implement Google Rich tag for Video so that details can show up in SERPs. Send recommendations to developers.
  54. Enable demographics report and interest report in Google Analytics
    Enabling Demographics Report requires privacy policy updates as stated by Google (Before enabling Demographics and Interest Reports you may need to update your privacy policy according to this policy.) Get Privacy policy updated and then enable demographics report and interest reports in GA, which will give idea to target customer based on their age, locations and country.
  55. Structured Data Error in Google Webmaster
    If you get structured data missing error in GWT for “entry title”, “updated”, “author”. If the fields showing error are not these then contact team lead.
  56. WordPress Plugin
    Check if all plugins are in place for you to modify tags, redirect pages, etc. If you do not need a plugin do not request it.
  57. ASO Recommendations for mobile apps
    Check if your website has mobile apps, if it has and seems not ranking well on play store then we can send recommendations to the client for app store optimization
  58. Tag review
    If Google is not indexing your tags that means you have over optimized them and you need to redo the tag.
  59. HTTPS urls / SSL Urls should not be indexed unless the complete site is SSL enabled
    Check the urls indexed on Google, they should not start with https unless the complete site is https. Ask manager if you notice HTTPS urls.
  60. No dead links or links to pages that get redirected
    All links should be clear and clean
  61. Testimonials
    If the site has no testimonials, then the engineers should recommend the client to add testimonials or assign requests to the content writers after Manoj’s approval.
  62. PDF Optimization
    All the PDF files on the site must be optimized in a similar way as that of HTML pages.

    Off Page activities:

1.?Content marketing

? Create user friendly content and submit on popular social sites
? Blog submission
? Article submission

2.?Q&A – Quora
3. Infographic submission
4.?Video and Image submission
5.?Social bookmarking
6.?Do Social Media Optimization (SMO) and Pay Per Click (PPC). It affects on keyword ranking.

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